Welcome to juniorprof

Seven ways to figure out whether you're a junior prof:

1. You spend a lot of time avoiding committee meetings
2. You've hidden from a student by diving under the desk
3. Achieving a personal life is on your list of things To Do
4. You still haven't given up on the idea of Free Food
5. Your real expertise lies in exploring the local happy hour scene
6. You're always working on your "Book"
7. You spend more than 8 hours a day contemplating alternate career plans

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Note to Self: Reinvent the Wheel

Reinventing the wheel is a tried and true tradition. I say embrace your wheel: give it a long skirt and scent it with patchouli, decorate it with silver studs and tattoos, or attach a paisley tie. There is nothing wrong with the wheel--it makes the world go round. The more the merrier; novelty is not an issue.

I originally fought against the reinvention of the wheel. This struggle proved a fruitless waste of my time. I now accept that I shall, in fact, reinvent the wheel multiple times in my life, in all sorts of ways and mostly unwittingly. So much to say; so much of it has already been said; so little time to investigate what other people are saying when one is trying to talk.

Besides, practice at reinventing the wheel should provide excellent training for when one is explicitly asked to do so for those who are not yet aware of your particular wheel.

If you were reinventing the wheel, what would that wheel look like?


  1. My wheel would be a chariot wheel, most likely with a Platonic dark horse and white horse attached.

  2. Also, it would be the most perfect wheel ever: aerodynamically exquisite and aesthetically beautiful. It would be the epitome of wheelness.
